ENGLAND BOXING Community Impact Award Winners

Read about our England Boxing Community Impact Award nomination…..

Hailsham Boxing Club describes itself as an underground, old-school style boxing gym but its values, traditions and initiatives put them at the forefront of new-school values.
The club were born out of the ability to overcome adversity, as founder and former Scottish Junior Champion Sam Buchanan opened the club over four years ago following a battle with addiction.
After starting free boxing sessions in a field in Eastbourne, Sam relocated to Hailsham and has been on a mission to fill the community with belief, success, and love.
Hailsham delivers ‘Redemption Boxing and Outreach’, a SMART recovery programme that delivers training and tools for people who want to turn their lives around following problematic behaviour – something that they’ve been successful in doing.
“They’ve turned people’s lives around. They change lives, give opportunities to the disadvantaged and break cycles to give locals better futures”, said one member.
Alongside their addiction work, the club run free kids’ sessions as well as a children’s holiday club that includes a free meal.
When funding isn’t available, Sam and his team have taken matters into their own hands by climbing Scafell Pike or taking part in a 100-mile walk over South Downs to raise money for the gym or the community.
As one member put it: “This club has come into an area which had been lacking in this type of input and has started a chain of events which benefit children and adults within the community.
“The club provides confidence, purpose, respect, and self-worth.
“It helps people concur fear and addiction and it does it with the right support and tools in place.”